2016 Sustainable Journeys
An annual event of the Meeting Rivers programme of Pipal Tree, Bangalore
• Thursday, February 4, 2016 4:00 pm to
• Sunday, February 7, 2016 5:00 pm
• Fireflies Intercultural Centre, Bangalore-India
An annual event of the Meeting Rivers programme of Pipal Tree, Bangalore
• Thursday, February 4, 2016 4:00 pm to
• Sunday, February 7, 2016 5:00 pm
• Fireflies Intercultural Centre, Bangalore-India
2019 Fireflies Dialogues
Integrating Well-being and Justice for a Sustainable Future
February 7, 4:00 pm to February 10, 5:00 pm
Fireflies Intercultural Centre, Bangalore
Organized by Pipal Tree
in collaboration with Dialogues in Humanity and Vikalp Sangam (Kalpavriksh)
About the event:
Contradictory signals are emitted all the time when it comes to the state of the world.
Siddhartha 2018 06 22
Cultural and Spiritual Values for Sustainable Futures
All over the world, xenophobia is creeping in. We have never witnessed as much fear of the ‘other’ as we do today, whether it be in ethnic and cultural conflicts or in the rejection of refugees. Cultural passions for limited and narrow ends are ruling the roost in many contexts. The goals of building towards a shared future are often completely sidetracked in the resulting noise and confusion.
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Pipal Tree / Fireflies Intercultural Centre in Bangalore, India!
Pipal Tree cordially invites you to participate in the 2018 Fireflies Dialogues, focusing on Dialogue, Reconciliation and Healing. This edition of the Fireflies Dialogues will be held from 8-11 February, 2018 at Fireflies Intercultural Centre in Bangalore, India.
Pipal Tree / Dialogues en humanité Invites you to February Dialogues on “The spiritual, intellectual and social-transformational Challenges before us” to be held at Fireflies Ashram (Bangalore, India) between 15th-19th February 2012 about :
16th to19th February 2011
Fireflies Ashram, Bangalore, India
(The February Dialogues is an annual event of Fireflies Inter-religious ashram and
Dialogues en Humanites, Lyon)
Du 17 au 20 Février 2010
Fireflies Inter-religious Ashram, Bangalore, India
Le Centre Interculturel Fireflies organise des ateliers toute au long de l'année sur des thèmes tels que "Religions et écologie", "Résolution de conflit dans le cadre des conflits inter-religieux", "Conservation de l'eau", "Agriculture biologique", "Autonomisation des femmes dans les communautés pauvres" , "Littérature et signification sociale/personnelle", "Yoga", "Spiritualité pour notre temps". Les ateliers rassemblent des professeurs, des étudiants, des travailleurs sociaux, des femmes, des intellectuels, des écrivains et des hommes d'affaires.
Pipal Tree tente de créer une symbiose entre l'engagement personnel, social et écologique qui conduit à des pratiques de développement durable.
Les February Dialogues à l’ashram Fireflies, à Bangalore, Inde, rassemblent depuis six ans activistes sociaux, penseurs religieux, journalistes, leaders féministes, paysans, jeunes et autres participants. Nous débattons de sujets liés à la société et à l’écologie. Nous dansons gaiement plusieurs fois par jour pour renforcer nos liens et éviter que la rencontre soit exclusivement intellectuelle.
The February Dialogues at Fireflies Ashram,in Bangalore, India, has been going on for the past six years. It brings together social activists, religious thinkers, journalists, feminist leaders, farmers, youth and others. We discuss on issues related to social and ecological themes. We dance together joyously several times a day as part of the bonding process, to ensure that the event is not only cerebral.
Les February Dialogues rassemblent dans une expérience joyeuse et vivifiante des gens du monde entier : activistes sociaux, penseurs, paysans et autres populations locales. Leur objectif est de comprendre les grands problèmes sociaux et environnementaux que connaît l’Inde (et le monde) en mettant l’accent sur la justice sociale. Nous examinons aussi les moyens d’instaurer la paix dans un contexte de conflit religieux et de promouvoir le pluralisme et le respect mutuel. La situation des femmes, en particulier la violence qui leur est faite, fait partie de nos priorités.
The February Dialogues brings together people from all over the world, who are social activists,thinkers, farmers and other grass roots people. It is a joyous and rejuvenating experience. The objectives of the dialogues are to understand the major social and ecological concerns in India ( and internationally) with an emphasis on social justice. We also look at ways and means to establish peace in the context of religious conflict and promote pluralism and mutual respect. Women's issues, particularly violence against women, also figure prominently.
Nous sommes aussi d’accord avec la théorie d’Einstein selon laquelle nous ne pouvons pas changer le monde si nous gardons la même conscience que celle qui est à l’origine du problème. Le monde ne changera que si des changements structurels ont lieu sur les plans social, économique et politique. Citoyenneté et gouvernance transparente devront être prises au sérieux. Mais cela seul ne suffit pas. La ‘personne’ aussi doit changer. Il nous faut examiner le jeu pervers de l’ego qui nous empêche de travailler ensemble à l’unisson et de façon résolue. La transformation personnelle est aussi importante que le changement structurel extérieur.
We also believe in Einsteins notion that we cannot change the world while retaining the same consciousness that created the problem in the first place. The world will not change unless structural changes take place at the social, economic and political levels. Citizenship and transparent governance will also have to be taken seriously. But this in itself is not enough. The 'person' also has to change. We need to look at the devious games of the ego that prevent us from working together in an unified and purposeful manner. Personal change is as important as external structural change.
Ainsi, les February Dialogues sont un défi associant dans un même élan le débat, la méditation, la danse et le chant, la fraternité et la sororité, pour faire émerger dans le monde entier la nouvelle humanité qui fera de nous de meilleurs êtres humains et de meilleurs citoyens.
Therefore The February Dialogues is a challenging blend of discussion, meditation, dance and song, sisterhood and brotherhood- all geared to facilitate the new humanity emerging at a global level which will make us better human beings as well as better citizens. Our goal is to bring about the urgent social and ecological changes needed in an era of galloping climate change.